919 zoos in our database!
The update for winter 2020/21 brought several new zoos. Many new attractions and whole zoos opened during the past months despite lockdowns and other problems, and we received many update forms with new data from visitors and zoo employees. Never before we had so much information on so many parks!

New zoos in the database:

Tierpark Kalisto Kamp-Lintfort
DinoZoo Metelen
Emsflower-Erlebnispark Emsbüren
Wildtierpark Kremmen-Neuhof
Seelter Reptilienhuus Ramsloh
Greifvogelwarte Feldatal
Kleintierpark Fernwald-Steinbach
Vogelpark Heiden
Archedorf Frankenau
Vogelpark Lindow
Papageienhof Dreiländereck Beverungen
Wisent-Willdnis Bad Berleburg
Falknerei Herrmann Plauen
Tiergehege im Bürgerpark Wernigerode
Rolfs Streichelzoo Köln
Archetierpark im MAFZ Paaren
Gehege Viktoriapark Berlin-Kreuzberg
Aquarium Haus am Teich Tirschenreuth


Zoo Map Germany                    

The zoo map shows all zoos, sorted by category or otherwise selected. As soon as you choose from the menue on the right, the map will be drawn. Or click on the small map to get a map with all zoos at once.
  Special Maps
  Member Zoos of Deutsche Tierpark-Gesellschaft DTG
  Member Zoos of Verband der Zoologischen Gärten VdZ
  Member Parks of Deutscher Wildgehege-Verband DWV


Links to aerial views           

Most German zoos can be seen from the air at Google Maps in high resolution. The additional street map layer is very useful for getting to the park. We have located and linked all parks - for example:
Zoo Wuppertal
Zoo Köln
Tierpark Hellabrunn
Tiergarten Nürnberg
Zoo Augsburg
Zoo Duisburg
Zoo Nordhorn
Zoo Magdeburg
Zoo Osnabrück
Wilhelma Stuttgart
Zoo Berlin
Tierpark Berlin

German Version

This database about German zoos was created in German language. You might want to have a look at the German version as well, where you will find additional information including more detailed zoo descriptions.

Zoos in Switzerland

France The Zoo Database for Switzerland with more than 75 zoos, wildlife parks, aquaria etc. Only in German language for now.

Zoos in Austria

Austria More than 80 zoos, wildlife parks, aquaria etc. in the Austrian Zoo Database.

is a service by Zoo-AG Bielefeld to provide independently researched information about public animal collections in Germany. It comprises the large zoos as well as the small, regional parks.

We will constantly add more and recently opened collections as well as new features. Please tell us about new, changed or incorrect information via this form. If you would like to help with collecting data or translations, please contact us, too.

Zoo-Infos.de is a non-profit-project. All proceeds go into conservation projects like the pacarana project.

Copyright: All contents are copyright © Zoo-AG Bielefeld. All rights reserved. No portion of this service may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission.

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